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There exists a few similar products round the markets. Having their own strength and weakness, they are actually pretty good.

Product Web link Price (USD)
PremiumSoft Navicat (formerly PremiumSoft MySQL Studio)  $95
Microsoft Access /
EMS MySQL DataPump
EMS MySQL Export $49
MySql-to-Access Pro * $54
MySql to Microsoft Access Pro *
Microsoft Access to MySql Pro * $399
Access to MySql $0
MS Access2MySQL Converter $35

Note: Items with "*" mark pass the crash-me tests. The others may not handle indexes or blob data properly.

Review date: 2003-08-08

If you are an application developer who provides different editions of the same product line that access MySql databases and Ms Access databases, or, you need to convert data between MySql and MS Access, then MySql2Access Converter is the one designed specifically for you. 

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